Very good! It's great that the dolls are a starting point for learning more about their countries of origin. I actually live in Poland but in the north, and had not heard of haluski before - will investigate. I am Portuguese - do you have a doll from Portugal? :)

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I don’t! And I’ve never been to Portugal! It is very alluring to me and I hope I’ll get to explore someday!

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I love this family collaboration! How wonderful that your daughter came up with the global dinners idea!

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Agreed! And every dinner surprises us with some new taste, technique, or factoid. On deck for this weekend: Japan!

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Of course, I love this story. I didn't know where the collection would go when I brought home that first doll. I doubt I even thought of it as a collection at that point. But I certainly didn't know the dolls would lead to this second life. I am so happy that the dolls have found a new home and are being used to relive some of my travels. Thanks for sharing this.

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Great story. I do have some of the salt and pepper shakers.

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